November Modern Dance Series

It's November, and an exciting month in my dance life! I'm teaching a Modern Series for Project:Motion, Saturdays at 10:15am at Theatreworks!

This series of classes is to explore the natural way your body likes to interpret movement through exploration of improvisation, contemporary, and modern dance.

Check out a video from the first class!

Each week the class has a different focus.

  • Week 1 was on pushing the limits of creativity, and connection with yourself, the floor, the air, and others around you. I wanted to challenge the class by providing a limited amount of material to continuously manipulate and discover new ways of performing it.
  • Week 2 is going to focus on words, communication, and influences to our choices in movement. We are going to approach various modern techniques, and then add a twist using commands, quotes, and imagery, and possibly even adding the aspect of the voice and speaking while moving.
  • Week 3 will be heavily coated in improvisation, and will be filled with an abundance of structures to inspire new ways to produce natural movement. We will have a variety of props, games, and ideas to play around with and utilize to move without the necessity of dance vocabulary. 

Here's a link to the Facebook event- if you click attending you can take class for only $12! Hope to see you there!

Nov 11-

Nov 18-